Antenangeli, Leonardo. “Context Matters: How Corrupt Environments Create Corrupt Individuals.”
Antenangeli, Leonardo, Jeffrey Church, and Pablo M. Pinto. “Love Thy Neighbor: Moral Suasion and the Formation of Policy Preferences.”
Antenangeli, Leonardo. “Accountability and Corruption: The Long-Term Effect of Independent Monitoring on Levels of Municipal Corruption.”
Antenangeli, Leonardo. “The Effect of Participatory Budgeting on Levels of Municipal Corruption.”
Pinto, Pablo and Leonardo Antenangeli. “Rouba Mas Faz: How Partisanship and Economic Health Alter Citizens’ Tolerance of Corruption.”
Kirkland, Justin H., Patrick Shea, and Leonardo Antenangeli. “Randomization Tests, Robust Cluster Standard Errors, and Grouped Data.”
Conference Presentations and Research Talks
Texas Methods Meeting, 2017. “Measurement Error and Attenuation Bias in Exponential Random Graph Models” (with Yeaji Kim)
PUBHouston research talk, 2017 (SciBr — Brazilian Science Foundation). “Accountability and Corruption: The Long-Term Effect of Independent Monitoring on Levels of Municipal Corruption”
APSA Annual Meeting 2016. “Election Audits in Space and Time” (with Francisco Cantu)
EITM Summer Institute, Houston. “Corruption is Bad News for a Free Press” (with Jonathan Solis)
MPSA Annual Meeting 2016. “Corruption is Bad News for a Free Press” (with Jonathan Solis)
APSA Annual Meeting 2015. “Accountability and Corruption: How Independent Monitoring Affects Levels of Municipal Corruption”